Al Xlea Congres Național al Asociației Române pentru Chirurgie Endoscopică

Al XIlea Simpozion Național de Chirurgie Bariatrică și Metabolică

Chirurgie minim invazivă - O pledoarie pentru îmbunătățirea continuă a rezultatelor
21 - 23 noiembrie 2019 • Willbrook Platinum Business & Convention Center
București, România

vă mulțumim!

Organizatorii vă mulțumesc pentru prezența și contribuția la succesul evenimentelor ARCE 2019!




Lectori din România & din străinătate


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Sesiunile științifice, împreună cu Masterclass-ul de Chirurgie Robotică, două cursuri pre-Congres și al doilea webinar live IFSO-EC
au oferit participanților informații prețioase cu impact asupra tehnicilor de chirurgie minim invazivă. 


Mathias Fobi MD, FACS, FICS, FACN, A Clinical Professor at SAIMS JIO University, is currently the Clinical Affairs Director of Research and Training at Mohak Bariatric and Robotic Surgery Center in Indore, India. He served as the Medical Director of the Center for Surgical Treatment of Obesity in Los Angeles (1979 - 2012).

Dr. Fobi hosted an annual International symposium on surgical treatment of obesity in Los Angeles. This was the foundation for the formation of IFSO. He was a founding member of ASMBS and served as president of the California Chapter (2006-2008), president of the ASMBS Foundation (2005-2007), president of IFSO (2008-2009) and chairman of the Board of Trustees of IFSO (2013-2015). 

Dr. Fobi is credited with the concept of banding the gastric bypass and the sleeve gastrectomy to enhance weight loss maintenance. MAL, Surgeon to the Stars, as he is popularly called, is a member and honorary member of many National Medical Societies. He has published and lectured extensively on bariatric surgery and served on various editorial boards.